Friday, March 26, 2010

Energized!! What Do You Love About Yourself??

Today I actually was supposed to have off, but instead, as usual I was needed at work so I went in at 5 to close. However, I was able to sleep in and do my own thing for most of the day, which was a much needed break from early mornings and morning traffic. :) I woke up around 10 am and ate a healthy breakfast before chillin' around the house with my cat (Sophie! only the cutest cat you'll ever see! :) ) I was able to have coffee in PEACE and not worry about it getting cold because every two seconds some asshole wants to push the button at our Pharmacy drive-thru like we all didn't hear it the first 14 times you push it!?! sorry, just wanted to vent. As I've mentioned, I work at a retail Pharmacy and we are CONSTANTLY busy, and we CONSTANTLY are catching crap from customers because of one issue or another. I don't understand how many different ways we can say it or how many different languages we have to say it in, but prices are NOT set by us, INSURANCE sets the prices... and if YOU don't like the prices or think something is wrong with it maybe YOU should call the insurance YOURSELF!!!! It's not like we do things just to make people angry, and every customer seems to think it's a personal vendetta. lol. ok enough. :p So, I watched tv and lazed out on the couch with a good book for awhile, and then was motivated to get my fat ass up and exercise!!!!! I got dressed and went for a 40 minute jog/fast-paced walk and then came inside and ate some lunch. I finised my workout with Jillian's 30-day shred. I felt so energized and it helped with my mood! :) I took a much needed shower and got dressed and even did my hair before going in for work. Funny how exercising makes me feel better about myself and makes me feel stronger and prettier, even if its just for a few minutes. (I had forgotten that feeling...) On my way in to work I realized something, I may not be in the shape I want to be in YET, but my body is amazing in what it allows me to do, and sometimes I forget that I am blessed and that things in my life COULD be alot worse. So, I decided to make a list of things I love physically about myself. Hope everyone had a great, happy and healthy day. :)

1 cup of multi-grain cheerios with 1/2 c skim milk
1 small banana
1 lean cuisine
1 sandwhich: bagel thin, 1 piece of provolone, 2 pieces of pepperjack turkey and 1 tbsp of miracle whip
1 ww cake
1 light and fit yogurt (peach mmmm)
10 rice cake cheddar snacks
10 baby carrots
Lots of water and ONE soda
4 chips w/guacamole

10 things I love about myself physically:
  • I have my mothers eyes
  • I am ABLE to workout
  • I have strong legs
  • I have a big butt (not always a bad thing ladies ;))
  • I have a cute nose
  • I used to have nice shoulders and back from playing tennis (they're still strong, just need to be found again, under all this "untrained muscle" hahaha)
  • I have nice hands and they are very strong
  • I am not physically impaired in any way and I understand what a blessing it is not to need assistance physically
  • I have red hair. (this may sound dumb, but I used to get teased as a kid, and now everyone WANTS my hair color, big ego boost)

ps... remember to appreciate everything ladies, not everyone is as lucky in aspects as we are. :)

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